Drugs Used to Treat Children with Heart Conditions |
Down's Heart Group P.O. Box 4260 Dunstable, Beds, LU6 2ZT, United Kingdom Tel. & Fax: 0845 166 8061 E-mail: info@dhg.org.uk On-line community: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Downs-Heart/ |
Reprinted with the permission of Penny Green, Director © 1998 Down's Heart Group UK Charity Nº 1011413 |
"In the beginning we wondered how we'd remember when all the different drugs had to be given and how we'd give them to such a small baby. But it wasn't long before we got in to a routine, just like you do with preparing feeds and changing nappies, and using a syringe made it really easy. It was simple to measure the correct dose, and the medicine could be given in smaller amounts right into the back of the mouth, so it was less likely to be spat out or spilt. We now use syringes for all our children!"
Revised: December 19, 2005. |